Orlando Theme Park/Amusement Park Accident Attorneys
Orlando is the most visited city in the entire United States, primarily because it is home to some of the most amazing amusement parks in the world. Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World alone bring millions of tourists to the Orlando area every year.
Most of these visitors go back home with happy memories that will last them a lifetime. Some, however, get injured while visiting one of the city’s theme parks, and their vacation is not the happy experience they had hoped for.
At Bailey Fisher, we have witnessed the devastating aftermath of these accidents and are committed to helping the victims. When you are injured at an amusement or theme park, you may be able to hold the park liable for the physical injuries and emotional trauma you suffered as a result of the park’s negligent or wrongful conduct. If you or a family member has been injured while at an amusement park, we want to help you hold the at-fault party accountable for their negligence and secure the financial compensation you deserve.
Theme Park/Amusement Park Accidents
Whether you are braving the newest mega ride at Walt Disney World or taking your toddler on the carousel at the county fair, a wide variety of things can go wrong while at a theme or amusement park. Despite a veritable maze of local, state, and federal regulations designed to keep riders safe, about 30,000 people end up in emergency rooms each year as a result of an injury received while at a theme park, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
A park visitor might be injured as a result of:
- A design defect in the ride
- Faulty or poorly maintained equipment
- A manufacturing defect in a ride part
- Improper installation of equipment
- Operator error or inattention
- An operator’s failure to enforce ride restriction or rules
- Inadequate warnings
Making matters worse is the fact that the very nature of amusement park attractions means that a significant percentage of those injured when an accident does occur are children. CPSC data indicate that almost one in five reported injuries involve a child in the 10 to 14-year-old age group.
For a parent, nothing is more traumatic than seeing your child get hurt, or worse. There is no amount of financial compensation that can make up for your child’s pain and suffering or your devastation; however, it can help pay for medical bills and other expenses related to the injury, provide compensation in the form of monetary damages, and help you have a sense of justice in knowing the negligent parties have been held accountable for their negligence.
Who Is Responsible for Theme Park/Amusement Park Accidents?
The injuries suffered by an amusement park accident victim are often serious, even fatal. In addition, a victim frequently suffers serious psychological trauma following the incident, which may result in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a phobia that was not present prior to the accident. If negligent or wrongful conduct on the part of another party (such as the amusement park, the ride manufacturer, and/or the party responsible for keeping the ride operating safely) contributed to the accident, the victim may be entitled to compensation for these physical and emotional injuries.
Pursuing compensation in an amusement park accident can be particularly challenging for several reasons, including the fact that identifying the negligent party can be difficult. Ostensibly, there are numerous redundant safeguards in place on each and every ride. Nevertheless, if an accident occurred, it is clear that those safeguards did not work as intended. The question then becomes “whose negligence caused those safeguards to fail?” Is there a flaw inherent in the design of the ride? Did something happen during the manufacture of the ride or the installation of the ride to cause it to become unsafe? Did an operator’s error cause the ride’s failure?
Because of the challenges inherent in having multiple potentially negligent parties, it is important to work with a personal injury accident attorney experienced in handling amusement park accident cases as soon as possible after the injury occurs.
Non Ride-Related Theme Park/Amusement Park Accidents
Apart from the potential dangers related to the operation of theme park or amusement park rides, there are any number of other hazards at theme parks that can cause injury or death. Falls related to improper design of the property or caused by inadequate maintenance of the premises are the most common type of accident that occurs at theme parks. The attorneys at Bailey Fisher are familiar with the full range of issues involving theme park and amusement park liability and are ready to protect your interests if you have been injured at a Florida theme park.
Get Help from Experienced Orlando Theme Park/Amusement Park Accident Attorneys
The Orlando personal injury attorneys at Bailey Fisher have extensive experience representing victims who were injured in an amusement park accident. We bring a strong sense of commitment to helping people who have suffered serious, often life-changing injuries due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing and want to help you.
If you or a family member has been injured in a theme park/amusement park accident, we want to help you hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence and help you obtain the compensation you deserve for all of your injury-related medical expenses, pain, suffering, and losses.
Call us at 407-628-2929 or submit our online form today for a free case evaluation. One of our experienced Orlando theme park/amusement park accidents attorneys will listen closely to what happened and advise you on your best course of action. For viable personal injury cases, we will follow up with the necessary legal action to hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence and recover the financial compensation you deserve.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Amusement rides. https://www.cpsc.gov/Research-Statistics/sports-recreation/amusement-rides